
COR & SECOR Certification
The Certificate of Recognition Program (COR™) is an occupational health and safety accreditation program that verifies a fully implemented safety & health program which meets national standards.

COR & SECOR Certification Assistance
Initial year of COR™ requires the successful submission of the following audits: Company Self Audit, CSAM Internal Audit, Independent Audit.
The second and third year of COR™..

ISNetworld Compliance
ISNetworld is the global resource for connecting corporations with safe, reliable contractors/suppliers from capital-intensive industries. ISN collects self-reported conformance information..

Safe Job Practices & Procedures Development
Safe job procedures provide specific step-by-step information to employees and outline how to conduct a particular task or operate equipment in a safe manner. In addition to specific sections of the Workplace Safety & Health Regulation

Site Hazard Assessments
Section 7.4(5) (e) of the Workplace Safety & Health Act states that a workplace safety and health program must include a schedule for the regular inspection of the workplace and of work processes and procedures at the workplace.

Site Inspections
We are able to assist you with your inspections and training employees on how to properly complete them. Whether you are trying to attain COR or wanting to improve your current safety program, we can help.